Blt payday 2 controls
Blt payday 2 controls

It is barely usable beyond very close range without a laser gadget, not having any aim reticle and average accuracy.Extremely low concealment that cannot be increased whatsoever, aside from a Boost or Optical Illusions aced.


Very small mod pool, has only 2 unique mods (Both being barrels).Slow reload (One of the slowest in the game, at 6.5 seconds, shared with the KSP 58).No sight, aiming only provides a blurry "zoom".High rate-of-fire burns through ammo quickly if ammo pickups are not utilized, especially during protracted stand-offs.Shreds through enemies on all difficulties, made more powerful with Body Expertise, Frenzy, and Berserker.Can be modified and skilled for good accuracy and stability.Highest ammo pickup of its class, potentially negating its high ammo usage.Has a dedicated stealth barrel which does not reduce damage.High total ammo count, giving the player more magazines to use compared to the other LMGs.Insanely strong crowd control capabilities with Shock And Awe and Heavy Impact Aced.The weapon's recoil makes the low accuracy even more devastating, being hard to control outside of very short bursts. Both the KSP and Buzzsaw are equally accurate ( 48), though the KSP is much more stable during extended firing due to its lower rate of fire. Without mods and skills to combat it, the weapon is barely useful at ranges exceeding a few meters. Like most LMGs, the Buzzsaw's main weakness lies in its low accuracy. Though somewhat difficult, it is also possible to take out Snipers with this weapon if one has a good feel for where bullets will land, or if their weapon is equipped with a laser sight or bipod. The Buzzsaw's high damage-per-second ensures that even the sturdiest of Bulldozers will fall after mere seconds, provided the player aims for the head and are well-complemented enough with armor and skill/perk bonuses to remain standing. Its extreme rate-of-fire makes the Buzzsaw an excellent choice in combatting special units up close, barring Shields, which are immune to normal damage from the front. With the weapon's quick fire-rate, these 15 seconds can be used to deal massive damage. In an extreme situation one can use an ammo bag with the Bullet Storm skill or use Swan Song to get up to 15 seconds of continuous fire with no ammo loss. This extreme room clearing power can be boosted even more with the Technician's Oppressor skill tree, as it offers more hip fire accuracy and damage. At the end of a wave one can collect a large portion of their ammo back, as the weapon collects a large amount of ammunition back from pickups. As a result, a single person can cover a whole room without much difficulty. The weapon can be fired for several seconds before having to be reloaded, though this is usually not recommended. Like the KSP, the Buzzsaw is highly appropriate for close quarter combat, having a very high rate of fire and high damage, alongside an enormous capacity of 150 rounds and a total ammo of 450 ( 563 with Fully Loaded). The Buzzsaw, however, has 50 fewer rounds per belt, meaning that the same rate-of-fire advantage will require it to be reloaded more often. The Buzzsaw 42 is, in many ways, comparable to the KSP, with certain advantages and disadvantages.ĭamage-wise, the Buzzsaw deals the same amount per bullet, compounded with its blistering rate-of-fire makes for a terrifyingly high damage output.

Blt payday 2 controls